Robotic lawn mower for small and complex lawns up to 600 m²
Husqvarna Automower® 305 is a compact robotic lawn mower, ideal for smaller, complex gardens up to 600 m²,efficiently handling slopes with an incline of 40%. In narrow passages, it switches to systematic mowing mode toreduce turns and minimise wheel tracks. The robotic lawn mower is easy to use and clean, and features a frost guardand weather timer, which adjust cutting times to suit the season and interrupt the mowing schedule in the event offrost. This means that no unnecessary grass wear occurs. Use Automower® Connect for convenient control of the mowerfrom your mobile phone.
Automower® Connectapp
Enjoy the convenience of remote control fromyoursmartphone with the Husqvarna Automower® Connect app. Among other things, you can manage and monitor yourHusqvarnarobotic lawn mower, change settings, and get easy access to information and tips that make lawn maintenancecarefree. Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity available, dependent on model.
Systematic Passage Mowing
The lawn mower can be set to automaticallyswitchmowing pattern from random mode to systematic mode in narrow passages. This reduces the number of turns andbumpsthat usually occur in narrow passages, thus minimising the risk of wheel tracks and wear on the lawn.
Easy cleaning
Easily wash the exterior and underneath of theroboticmower with a garden hose. Removable top cover and body for easy cleaning and reachability everywhere.
Frost guard
The robotic mower automatically interrupts themowingschedule in frosty conditions, helping to protect the lawn.
Weather timer
Adjusts the working time to the lawn’s growthrate,meaning that Husqvarna Automower® will maximise its mowing time during periods of strong grass growth. Insunny ordry weather, or late in the season, the mower will spend less time mowing, which decreases wear on lawn andmower.
Automatic passage handling - PATENTED
Husqvarna Automower® automatically sensesnarrowpassages and finds its way even through the smallest passages. It will vary its route through the passage toavoidunpleasant tracks.
Remote start points x3
A uniform cutting result throughout the lawnthanks tothe possibility to start the mowing at three different remote locations along the patented guide wire, outfrom thecharging station. The larger grass area, the better and more important with several starting points.
Secondary Area
Set up a secondary area if your lawn has twoareas thatare not connected with a passage for your mower. To create a secondary area, you need to set up the boundarywire tocreate an island around that area. Once installed, you manually move the mower between these two areas, andthemower will mow for a selected time or until the battery is empty.
Spot and spiral cutting modes can be activatedforefficient mowing in areas with high grass. When the spiral cutting functionality is activated, the cuttingdiscsensors detect when the mower enters an area with higher grass and automatically switch to a systematicspiralpattern. Spot cutting is a mode to mow a limited area of longer grass quickly. This is especially useful forareaslike beneath garden furniture once the furniture is removed. Place the mower in the desired area and chooseSpotcutting mode. The mower will mow in tight spirals and, when finished, resume in automatic mode.
Spot cutting
Special mode to quickly mow a limited area oflongergrass. This is especially useful for areas beneath for example garden furniture, once the furniture isremoved.Place the mower in the desired area and choose Spot cutting mode. The mower will mow in tight spirals andwhenfinished resume in automatic mode.
Create several profiles with individualsettings,making it easier to share the mower between numerous locations. With personal names on each profile andinstallationit is easy to switch between different setups via the menu on the mower.
Low Carbon Emissions
By choosing this product, you can feelconfident thatit produces lower carbon emissions during active use compared to a traditional petrol product. Thisbattery-drivenproduct does not emit any CO₂ during use while still providing the power and quality that you expect from aHusqvarna product. However, it’s important to note that CO₂ emissions are generated during other stages oftheproduct´s lifecycle, such as production, charging and end-of-life disposal.